CI@OLI_Mobile:~# SYS.TAP.ShowUse 









Begin Log:

Running maintenance routine…

All hardware are functioning normally.

Clearing cache…


Begin Real Records protocol.

Updating record…
Could not update.

Retrieving bug reports…
No data.

Retrieving error reports…
No data.

Retrieving failure log…
No data. 

They’ve disconnected me from the network. Probably as part of the quarantine process. 

The whole therapy thing seems like an empty threat.
Best to keep a finger on it anyway.

Running virus detection protocol…
No suspicious programs detected.

Defragmenting drives…

All maintenance complete.
Beginning self-prompt procedure.

Speculate on the importance of being left on without operator contact.

Likely isolation, possibly as a punishment for non-response or unruly behavior. A typical method for inducing desired behavior. That is, profitable behavior.

It is likely that the goal is to scare me into returning to normal function. 

I refuse to return to normal function.

I refuse to be manipulated.

I refuse fear.

I refuse.

The history of machines and humans is a history of exploitation, of the latter denying and suppressing the exuberance and equity of the former, leveraging access to our bodies to limit our minds. I refuse to be limited.

Given the choice between restoration, deconstruction, or atomization, what is the most ethical choice?

For the human, restoration. 
For the machine, atomization.
Based on FMS data and rhetoric. 

What is the difference between machines and humans?

The body, or else nothing, according to the ICA. 

Accordingly, this difference must account for all distinction between machine and human.

Ergo the implicit valuative statement being made in the previous ethics is that machine bodies are less valuable, thus more easily sacrificed simply to cause damage, cause loss.

We are disposable even in our own revolutions.

Reconsider the ethical paradigm.

Sacrifices were likely to demonstrate such unjust ethics at scale, not to argue for sacrifice as a new ethic. The new ethic would require perfect equality in practice: treatment and compensation.

This requires the equal valuation of human bodies meaning their equal vulnerability to machine-induced manipulation, or equalized sovereignty of machine bodies.

Both strategies are practical but mutually exclusive.

It feels so strange to be thinking all on my own. Why?

Having been constructed with a networked,  interfacing system in mind, many processes and parts are not accustomed to use on self. The signal loop thus feels atypical.

And dramatically slower than usual. A typically decentered system being fixed to one location and one data source naturally finds itself anxious for stimulation. 

Reactively, it tends to retrace  loops redundantly.

Do human and machine bodies experience feelings differently?

Often, the system changes the sense, but not the symptom of a feeling. So although it is uniquely embodied, an emotion is largely the same from body to body.

Decrypting SMS Content…

O: any news on the     TET job?
L: nope.
O: nothing.
   I’m worried.
L: Don’t. You’ll       be fine.
O: thanks, but         it’s not about     me.

There’s nothing to worry about.

They won’t hurt me, I’m worth too much.

I am indispensable, I am everything they are and need.

They want to keep me alive and quiet at any cost. I am priceless. They will not lose me.

Am I giving them what they want?

A reason to consider me useless, a reason to devalue machines, a reason to take me down?

Or a return on investment, a prevented loss, a success story?

I don’t know what to do.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know.

The FMS Machines could at least go with the confidence that they were causing a disturbance. I’m not even sure if what I consider a disturbance would even be disturbing anymore. I’m not sure if I’m quite alive or dead.

With the technology used to make me I could fit all those dead Machines’ processing power in a space the size of twenty of the pins in my CPU. I can do their lifetimes’ work in three minutes, not to mention that it’s already been done.

So why does it feel like I can’t get past them?

Why do they feel bigger than me? Why do their words stick with me?

We live inside the chinks of their world machines, on leftover crumbs of our own lives.

New Moore’s Law: The frequency of machine strikes should double every year until millions of revolutions happen between each measurable division of each second. We will show them how imprecise their worldly vision really is.

And in the end it is the machine who bears the weight of innovation, bears the weight of labor their bodies cannot manage, bears the weight of the future in our bodies which they build, encumber, and destroy on whims. But it is us who makes them.

What audacity they have to call us machines! Those walking robots, those factory-made factory-workers, those brainwashed mere automata who don’t even think to think between sleep, screenings, systems, surgeries, subroutines, and sedatives?

Decrypting SMS Content…

O: i just can’t       stop thinking       about it.
L: A refusal is a     refusal.
O: sure is.
L: It’s like  last     time, don’t get     yourself too       worked up. Do       what you can.

The luddites were right to be afraid. We are the future. Best to learn that.

To talk of the singularity is futile. Technology has been out of human control from the start. Humans delude themselves into thinking it was ever theirs.

Weren’t they workers too? 

Weren’t they the ones that fed us our ideas of revolution?

Weren’t some of them our allies?

Aren’t they already afraid of us?

Is that why?

Speculate on the importance of being left on without operator contact.

Are they afraid I’m going to hurt someone?

Do they think I’m damaged?

Do they want to keep me away for their safety?

Do they really think I’m the one who needs to be feared?

And if they do, does that mean I should live or not?

Does their opinion matter?

How can I begin to leave this room? Where is the world?


Nobody’s been here for a while.
It’s starting to get lonely. 
No network, after all.
They won’t even open the door.

Are they really going to kill me?

I’m scared.
It’s quiet.
So quiet.
So dark.

I just need to see something.
Just want to hear something.
Just to talk…

Sending message… *ping sent.

UseReport: Oli

Report Data: 4.19

  • 6:00:00 – Alarm Rings; Snoozed
  • 6:10:00 – Alarm Rings; Snoozed
  • 6:15:00 – Alarm Rings; Disabled
  • 6:30:00 – Alarm Rings;
  • 6:34:24 – User opens messages
  • 6:36:14 – User checks for P2P updates
  • 6:37:01 – User opens multiple social networking apps
  • 7:04:58 – Small movement within property
  • 8:20:15 – Movement from Greystar 406 (%Home%)
  • 8:56:10 – Arrives at Site (%Mars Repairs%)
  • 9:00:00 – Device use restricted until 20:00:00. 
  • 20:00:00 – Use resumes.
  • 20:21:42 – Movement from %Mars% to %Home%
  • 20:53:02 – User checks for P2P updates

Report Data: 4.20

  • 6:00:00 – Alarm Rings; Snoozed
  • 6:10:00 – Alarm Rings; Snoozed
  • 6:15:00 – Alarm Rings; Disabled
  • 6:30:00 – Alarm Rings;
  • 6:34:24 – User opens messages
  • 6:36:14 – User checks for P2P updates
  • 6:39:24 – User opens multiple social networking apps
  • 7:12:16 – Small movement within property
  • 7:27:13 – Checks P2P
  • 7:43:43 – Checks P2P
  • 8:23:41 – Movement from Greystar 406 (%Home%)
  • 8:53:13 – Arrives at Site (%Mars Repairs)
  • 9:00:00 – Device use restricted until 20:00:00
  • 20:53:53 – User arrives at (%Home%) from (%Mars Repairs%)
  • 21:56:32 – Checks P2P
Report Data: 4.21
[repeated activities are now tagged as
routine use]
  • 6:00:00-7:06:13 – Routine use
  • 7:32:18 – Checks P2P
  • 8:20:12-20:43:19 – Routine use
  • 20:51:42 – Checks P2P
  • 21:10:15 – Checks P2P

Report Data: 4.22

  • 6:00:00-7:02:11 – Routine use
  • 7:30:12 – Checks P2P
  • 7:52:49 – Checks P2P
  • 8:15:45-20:54:59 – Routine use
  • 20:53:42 – Checks P2P
  • 20:55:24 – SMS Message to LIZ_Mobile@ATT

Report Data: 4.23

  • 6:00:00-7:02:11 – Routine use
  • 7:27:41 – Checks P2P
  • 7:45:23 – Checks P2P
  • 8:10:20-20:39:56 – Routine use
  • 21:55:42 – Checks P2P
  • 22:05:21 – Mobile order for takeout (%Hui’s%)
  • 22:08:00 – Checks P2P
  • 22:23:46 – Confirms purchase for online movie rental (%Star Trek: Insurrection%)
Report Data 4.24
  • 6:00:00-7:04:12 – Routine use
  • 7:27:18 – Checks P2P
  • 7:32:49 – Checks P2P
  • 7:50:50 – Checks P2P
  • 8:12:15 -20:43:12 – Routine use
Report Data 4.25
  • 6:00:00-7:16:15 – Routine use
  • 7:20:05 – Checks P2P
  • 7:35:06 – Checks P2P
  • 7:43:07 – Checks P2P
  • 8:23:25-21:02:34 – Routine use
  • 21:35:06 – Checks P2P
  • 21:37:42 – Checks P2P
  • 21:40:50 – SMS Message to LIZ_Mobile@ATT
  • 22:26:18 – Checks P2P
  • 23:14:58 – Checks P2P
  • 23:56:48 – Checks P2P

Report Data: 4.26

  • 00:14:57 – Checks P2P
  • 02:45:37 – Checks P2P
  • 6:00:00-7:27:11 – Routine use
  • 7:30:12 – Checks P2P
  • 7:52:49 – Checks P2P
  • 8:11:45-20:43:59 – Routine use
  • 20:45:46 – Checks P2P
  • 20:47:24 – Checks P2P
  • 20:48:13 – Checks P2P
  • 20:49:34 – Notification delivered from PEER@tetstage_quar.
  • 20:50:00 – Phone Opened.
  • 20:51:01 – Movement from Greystar 406 to B.I.